Saturday, April 28, 2012

Non-blogging and Life!

I was speaking to a friend a few days back and she was telling me about what she thought the year 2012 was all about. Some people consider it to be the end of the world, some people think it's going to be a shift of energies in a positive way and some, merely a year of change. My friend, having sadly, recently lost her Father a few weeks prior, was sharing about how 2012 according to her, was a year which gave clarity to a lot of people on their lives going forward. Strangely, she believed that a lot of people would experience a lot of change in their lives which would dictate what their lives would be like henceforth, and she said she noticed an increase in deaths, births, marriages and surprise divorces taking place. While I think that any finality in life is only the doorway to a new beginning and hence don't agree with her understanding of "how things are supposed to be," I do think 2012 has been a year of change for me and for a lot of people around me. For some, it's been a great year, and for a lot, it's been their worst year yet. Both can obviously change as we're still in the early stages of the year (or so it seems, thanks to the surprisingly lovely Dubai weather) but I think it definitely has been a year of "happenings". Or maybe because I've had a lot "happening" in my life which is why I see the same in others, just as my friend sees "finality" in the lives of those she looks around? Who knows.

I've been very busy traveling since the start of the year and my two major trips consisted of my month in the US (which I blogged about) and a very exciting trip to Paris during the Paris Fashion Week in March (which I shall be posting about very soon!) I had gone to Paris with one of my sisters and her husband, so it was great to get that bonding time with them, and had another very dear friend visit for the weekend whom I was seeing after 4 or 5 years! She is like family to us so it was lovely to spend time with her.. all this taking place during PFW which I had never experienced before! My sister got us invitations to go for the Chloe and Chanel shows which literally was a DREAM COME TRUE for me and I was as excited as a child at Disney World for the first time! More on that stuff later! And on my travel schedule, I leave to go to Beirut in a few days and it's my first ever trip there, and I come back and soon leave for Japan, so have lots of traveling coming up in May. On the work front, I'm working on a whole bunch of exciting projects and 2012 has been really, really good there with a lot of ideas that I'm hoping will take fruition soon. Personally I've met tons of new people recently which is strange since I'm not very social... but I've been enjoying going out and meeting some fabulously interesting folk. Let's just say I've been really enjoying myself which a perfect mix of random fun nights out partying and serene evenings spent with loved ones. Life has been good... Which is probably why a lot of blogging hasn't been taking place! As much as I love to share all my thoughts and happenings in my life (which is why I'm a blogger in the first place!) there are some journeys in life that one needs to go through alone, and keep them private. Part of my journey has been that, and the other part... well I've just been too busy living life to be bothered blogging about it :) Either way, I'm hopefully back and will attempt to get back into the swing of things. For all those who have asked me either face to face or over emails/Facebook/Twitter why I haven't been writing anymore, Thank You.. It's been very heartening to know Kiran's Corner has been missed and hopefully is now back for good! :)

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