Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Vera Wang Cosmetics at Kohl's

Vera Wang, the dream designer for any bride having a white wedding, has been selling her "Simple Vera" collection in Kohl's department stores in America for years now. To add to her success in clothes, Wang has now announced the launch of her new make up line in the same store. "As part of my incredible partnership with Kohl's, I will now be able to offer women all over America my own personal regimen of skin care and make up," was her official statement about the launch. While I'm sure Vera's palette of colours will be soft and wearable hues of creams and lilacs, I don't really know how "personal" the collection would be. I was watching the Ellen show last night that had Nicole Ritchie on, and Ellen was marveling at how she was so talented and even had time to write a book given her busy schedule of being a mother and a clothes designer, etc. I'm trying to figure out which idiot actually believes that people like Lauren Conrad and Nicole Ritchie write their own books, much less have Vera Wang design her own make up line. Having said that, the chances of a designer of her caliber giving her name to a shabby product is quite slim, and I'm hoping the quality will be good. So for Wang fans, the next time you're in the US and can manage to find a Kohl's, stock up on the make up and tell me what you think of it!

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