So a "happy" friend of mine was making his weekly trip to the very famous Bowery bar (now known as B-Bar) for their Tuesday "happy" Tuesday night special, and I decided to go along with him for the ride. The Bowery, he explained, attracted a lot more sophisticated clientele and I'd be quite surprised with what I saw there. Honestly, I was expecting the sort of club that Carrie goes to in one Episode of SATC, where she is met with hundreds of sweaty, grinding, groping men.. instead I found a very tasteful and civilized bar, which just seemed to have a lot more men than women. There was another girl along with us and I thought we would be the only girls in the place- I was wrong. There were quite a few other girls there and one in particular, who was definitely a model. As the night wore on, I looked upon in interest as the men in the club seemed to swarm like flies around the tall, stick-like amazonian wonder. She had at least 5 men at any given time, hanging on to her every word, and each time I'd turn in her direction, those seem to have been rotated with another set of 5. "Aren't these men supposed to NOT be interested in her??" I asked my friend. "She is gorgeous," he said with a sense of irony, "and we like to collect beautiful things." Great, I thought as I stood alone with my friends, now I feel rejected in a gay bar too!
My night quickly changed though, as one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen walked by and sat at a table behind me. I couldn't help but shamelessly turn and stare at him every couple of minutes. After about half an hour, my friend got tired of my pining and pulled me up and dragged me over to him. I stood red-faced and embarrassed while he yelled something into his ear, and was completely taken aback when the hot guy gave me a huge smile and patted on a chair by his side. We chatted for a bit and I found out he was French, a dance choreographer, completely sweet, and amazingly enough, much more gorgeous up close. He had to leave soon unfortunately, but gave me his card which, lo-and-behold, had a picture of him on it. It never got to the "it's not you.. it's me" type of conversation, but at least this time I'd have known, the dude wouldn't be lying.
If you're female, head to Bowery on a Tuesday night for the best watermelon martinis and eye-candy on the planet! If you're male and straight, broaden your mind and accompany a friend who isn't. We had a straight guy join us later that night, who walked in nervous and jittery. "However hot you are in your world," my friend told him, "you're nothing in ours- you have nothing to worry about." Sure enough, he sat with me alone, without anyone giving us a second glance. My night continued with us heading to the Trump Soho, then Avenue and then 1 Oak, and I learnt a very important lesson that night- when it comes to stamina for partying, never try to keep up with the gay guys! I came back home way too late after having had one of my most fun nights ever!
My view of the Bar

The best watermelon maritinis EVER! (two pictures taken from the B-Bar website)
The picture of my new friend! See how pretty?
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