Thursday, July 01, 2010

KC ♥ RF!

Can anything be more gorgeous?? I have the biggest, most MASSIVE crush on R-Fed. I am not a sport-watcher (as my friends who tricked me into going for the Spain-Portugal football match will tell you) but the first time I ever watched R-Fed play in the Wimbledon Men's Final 2 years back, I was hooked. I love him. My best friend always used to say that he plays tennis with the grace of a dancer, and when I finally saw him play, I understood what she meant.

R-Fed also happens to have an apartment in Le Reve, as do I. A lot of people don't know this, but Dubai is supposed to be his home base- I don't know whether it's for tax reasons or whether he just really likes the place, but I'm guessing it's the former. You know how sometimes you meet celebrities that seem super nice but then you hear horror stories about them or meet them and realize they are completely obnoxious? Federer really is just as nice as he seems! When he is in town he works out at the gym downstairs and it just so happens, his workout timings coordinate with mine! The first time I saw him I was running on the treadmill and turned to find him setting up on the treadmill beside me... I almost fell off! Because I'm shy I never really spoke to him too much, but after a couple of days he used to walk in and say hi to my trainer and I, while we both were trying to outwardly play it cool being like, "hey.. what's up?" while wanting to do somersaults from within. He'd politely ask if we were using a certain section of the gym or was coming in our way, and I'd just stupidly shake my head while feeling like the luckiest girl in the world for even sharing the same air space with him. And watching him train is just something else! And there was this one time he took off his sweaty t-shirt 2 feet away from me.... Wowza!!!

Anyhow, as most of you might already know by now, my beloved R-Fed lost to Berdych at Wimbledon yesterday and will be dropping to #3 in the ATP men's ranking next week. I'm terribly gutted and thought the only way to cheer myself up would be to look at pretty pictures of him and fantasize about the days we will sweat on the same floor again. Since I'm leaving town for two months tomorrow, it won't happen anytime soon but next time I've promised myself I WILL go speak to him!

This one is actually shot (by Leibowitz for Men's Vogue) on the balcony of his 13th floor apartment in Le Reve-
And I love his Nike ad-

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