Sunday, January 30, 2011

Taco Bell- "Thank you for Suing us"

If you've read my personal statement on here, then you'll know that I interned at an advertising agency when I was younger, and my dream job would have probably been to be a Creative Director of a huge Madison Avenue ad agency in New York (if not the Editor of a fabulous magazine!). Either way, I'm always intrigued and impressed by a great ad, and the headline for this one jumped out at me- "Thank You for Suing us" from Taco Bell. It seems that the giant food conglomerate is being sued for not using real beef in their tacos, and they're fighting back the claim with this very smart ad. It's not only an effective way for them to educate their customers, but if the customers are anything like me, they'll read till the end of the body copy and will then desperately crave one, or in my case, want to try one! Not to mention all the free publicity they are getting. Of course, now all they need to do is tackle that damned court case!

1 comment:


i love your blog! the posts are so so good. please follow me back.

alizey ♥


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