Saturday, October 23, 2010

Kiran's Corner, Masala-fied!!

So last week I received an email from Ahlan Masala, asking me to be a part of a feature on Bloggers they were doing. Sure, I said, but can I opt out of taking any pictures? As it turned out, I couldn't.
Now I have stayed away from the press for a few years now and always opt out of getting my picture taken at social events. There was a time when the attention was flattering, but after a while I decided I'd rather be the one writing for the press rather than being the one written about, and my photo ban has lasted for a good 5 years. But here was the catch with this Masala article- It would really help promote my blog, which for me is my pet project.. my baby. Also, it was a feature on Asian Bloggers posing with the person they thought was most "blog worthy" whom we had to interview and pose for pictures with, which I thought just sounded so cool. Also, the Feature would be headed and styled by Alpana Depala, who I knew would do a fantastic job with it, which was another huge reason for me agreeing.
So at the end of last week, in the midst of Gitex Madness, I had to go over with my most "blog-worthy" pick to the stunning new ITP offices and get our pictures taken. It was such a blast, and you will absolutely LOVE whom I've chosen! I'm so used to my pictures being taken for business publications, where I think they try on purpose to catch you in the middle of a sentence with your hands flailing about, or caught deep in concentration with a frown and a double chin. Alpana insisted I had my make-up professionally done (false eyelashes and everything!) which just felt very strange, and I kept telling the make-up artist, "just please don't make me look like a tranny!" and requesting Alpana, "tons of Photoshop please!" Final outcome? You'll have to buy the issue on the 28th and see for yourself!

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