Thursday, March 18, 2010

Theta Healing and Me

I could say I found Theta Healing or I could say Theta Healing found me, and both would be true. For those who don't know what Theta is, it's a quick, easy and very beautiful way to connect with God, the Creator, Universal life-force energy, or whatever other name you'd like to call it by.

Having studied Reiki and being a Clinical Hypnotherapist, I was very interested in the workings of the mind and of Spirituality in general. I'd heard about Theta, done a bit of reading on it, and decided to go take the basic course that was taking place in Dubai. That was when I found Theta. I wish I could say I was amazed by its teachings and its ease and simplicity, but the truth is quite the opposite. I couldn't understand how it worked, how one could actually heal instantaneously, "scan" peoples bodies or the most ridiculous of them all, change beliefs instantaneously!  While I'd seen Faith Healers on TV and even believed that maybe Vianna, the pioneer of Theta Healing, had healed herself instantaneously of cancer, I just couldn't wrap my head around the idea of changing a persons BELIEFS. I believed that my beliefs were MINE.. i'd given them birth, raised them, nurtured them, fed them, and lived with some of them, for better or for worse, through most of my life! And someone was now claiming I could change my negative ones instantly? How does that even work? I'd decided Theta Healing was definitely not for me.

Almost a year later, I was going through a bit of a rough emotional patch, and was looking for something or someone to help ease that discomfort a little bit. A friend of mine told me about this amazing therapist she was going to, who did Pranic Healing as well as Theta, and I decided to give her a shot. I went in having zero expectations and was hoping to feel a bit better, if only momentarily- like a therapeutic massage for the soul. After my sessions, I realized I was feeling a lot less chaotic in my mind, and I found my negative thought patterns.. those beliefs I had clung on so dearly to... suddenly not hold true anymore. It's a strange feeling when you say out loud something you've believed for too many years for you to count, and then smile because you realize the energy around your words and feelings had dissipated. This is when Theta found me.

Those sessions empowered me to the extent that it made me want to take the course again and understand all that I'd missed the first time around, so I could work on myself. Armed with an open mind and the benefit of experience, I went in and sat with wide eyed wonder through the same course that I'd once scoffed at. So impressed I was with what I learnt, last month I actually flew to Vegas to do the Teachers Training with Vianna for the basic and advanced courses. While I am still unsure as to whether I will ever teach Theta, learning from her, the Source, was an experience that was indescribable! Theta has helped me not only reconnect with my deceased father, but also our ultimate Father, the Creator.

I was telling a friend of mine recently, about how a week after my course was done, I'd sat alone in my quiet hotel room in New York, and felt a bit of a strange feeling come over me. "I wondered what it was," I said to her, "till suddenly I realized what it was I was feeling!" It was contentment. My whole journey would have been worth it, if only for that one fleeting moment.

To find out more about Theta Healing, go to
To find out more about Theta courses in Dubai or the UAE, go to

UPDATE: To read of my most recent experiences with Theta (a year after writing this post) please read my post "Theta Healing and Me- Part 2" here-


Tania said...

First of all you are a great blogger!! Secondly I want to concur with you on the 'Tetha finding you' concept.

I have found many times in life you encounter something new that doesnt quite do it for you and then the very same thing some time later changes your life forever! Love it!!! It is that Universe at work!!

Glad to hear you re doing so well and great to read you once in a while!!

love, t.

Unknown said...

your blog just made me love theta even more! It's super inspirational I hope it will stumple into the view of those about to manifest the amazing experience of theta into their lives!

Soniya Singh said...

Hey! there - nice blog. If you teach than others can feel what you feel today "The feeling of contentment". Trust me you will love teaching :) Mwahh love you loads

Unknown said...


Honestly i was not too sure when u got enrolled for Theta whether you would actually attend it?? But after your return i can truly feel that you have got a good hold on your emotions and are much clearer today than what you were.

Happiness is a state of mind and only we can decide whether we want to be happy or not (sorry your blog is just getting me a little poetic too)

All the best!!!

Hold on to it and you will hold on to contentment!!



PsychicLight1111 said...

I read the follow up post to this blog post
follow up blog post here

The only form of healing that works for me is
Light Axis Healing It healed my emotions and my physical body. It was the most realistic and effective form of healing I have had. Thanks


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