Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jumbo Founder's Day Celebrations!

So every year on or around the 1st of March Jumbo celebrates Founder's Day in the Company, or what we call "Manusmriti". The 1st of March was actually my Late Father's birthday and I think it's such a special way for us to remember him and celebrate his life. We've been celebrating Founder's Day every year since his passing, and it's every year it's evolved into something bigger and better that not only Jumbo-ites, but their families too look forward to. The first year or two it was a very somber affair till my Mother decided that we should remember my Father by celebrating his successes and make it a fun-filled day with everyone getting involved. We tried having external organizers coordinating the event for us to disastrous effects till someone had the idea of handing over the organization to the fresh batch of Management Trainees that come in every year. The MT's stepped in and instead of having professional performers up on stage, opened up the floor to all the Jumbo talent we had in-house. Every year I'm always blown away by the singers and dancers we have within the company, and the video below will show you what I'm talking about! Founder's Day however is not just about the performances- we have cricket competitions, pool tournaments, quiz contests and a whole bunch of other things taking place weeks in advance, and have the awards given out on the day. Outdoors we have a place for the mini-Jumboites with a play area for kids with clowns and fancy dress competitions, etc. My favourite bit I must admit, is the show itself, and almost always is the performance by the Management Trainees themselves. Every year the MT's try and top the event done by the previous year, and although last year's was a really tough act to follow, I think the batch this year nailed it with a hilarious skit and "dance" routine if you can call it that. I took my video camera along to film my favourite bits of the show which I've sort of managed to compile together (please excuse my terrible editing skills!) but I just HAD to post the entire MT performance on here too. The skit unfortunately couldn't make it up here despite it having me in squeals of laughter... Those in attendance will know why!!
Hope you guys enjoy the performance... "Manusmriti 2011"!

And if you haven't visited my blog over the past few days, you might not know that you have until the 31st of March to follow 3 easy steps that could potentially make you the proud owner of the Apple iPad!!!! Go here for details- http://www.kiranscorner.com/2011/03/win-ipad-with-kirans-corner-and-jumbo.html

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