Monday, May 16, 2011

Book Review- The Brightest Star in the Sky

 Marian Keyes is without a doubt the Queen of "Chick Lit." Her last two books that I'd read, The Other side of the Story and This Charming Man were fabulous reads that I literally could not put down. As an Author she has the unique ability to make her reader laugh out loud and/or cry from the very depths of their being- sometimes at the same time. Her stories are complex, yet simple, touching yet hilarious, unbelievable, and yet somehow utterly realistic and by the time you're done with a Marianne Keyes book, you're utterly in love with her characters and are miserable they're gone. With such an introduction to the Author you can imagine how excited I was when I saw her latest book, The Brightest Star in the Sky. I picked it up immediately, cracked it open and started to read what I thought, would be my pick for the best summer read. Boy, was I wrong.
As I mentioned earlier, Keyes' ability as a writer is to be able to come up with loveable memorable characters and make you want to follow their stories. Her latest book however, featured some of the most miserable and drab characters that I've ever encountered in what is supposed to essentially be, a quick, fun read. Not only were they not fun, but it's taken me around a month to finish this book. It was slow (painfully so) and starts off with a certain entity that goes into the building of 66 Star Street to find out about it's residents. You don't find out what the entity is till the end of the book, but by then, you're FAR from really caring to figure that mystery out. There are way too many characters in the book and it just jumps around so much that every time you start a new chapter, even though you're 3/4ths your way through the book, you think to yourself, "WHO?" I don't know if this is because the novel is over-populated or as I said earlier, that boring that you don't really care to figure out who is who. I don't know what miserable phase the Author is going through in her own life to make her produce something as bad as this. Laugh out loud bits? You'll be lucky if this book makes you crack a smile! All that got me through is the fact that I HATE leaving books halfway and especially if they're fiction, finish them no matter what. 
Am still searching for that fast-paced addictive summer read! The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and subsequent books in the series were my last year's pick. Any recommendations for must-read books for this year?

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