Sunday, June 27, 2010

The fashion diary of Ekatarina Orjonikidze

Most people who read my blog will remember my post on the most stylish little girl in the world. It was probably my most popular (non gadget-related) post as people were blown away by the gorgeous five year old's style, her wardrobe and more than anything, how unbelievably cute she was! Friends would ask me about her mother and wonder, "if the 5 year old daughter is like that, what must the Mother be like?" Well, you don't have to wait anymore to know the answer!! Here is my gorgeous friend Eka- beautiful, glamorous and mother of 3. Yup, you read that right.. and mind you her youngest (whom I featured here too) just turned 3 months a few days back!

Eka was in boarding school with me and is an absolute sweetheart. Not in the "I'm-sorry-I-was-a-bitch-when-I-was-younger-but-now-I-know-better" types... she was always down-to-earth, humble with a sunny personality and an infectious laugh! To give you an example of what she's like, with I approached her with the idea of doing a fashion diary for me, she promptly responded saying Tatler in Moscow had approached her with a similar idea, and she had turned them down, but would love to oblige for my blog! After that she would daily send me pictures of herself with small notes on what it is she was wearing, and informed me she had taken to carrying a camera with her everywhere, so she could request people to take her picture. Sorry for putting you through all that Eka, but the pics look GORGEOUS!!!

So here she is- Eka over 7 days with 7 day and 7 evening looks- the most stylish girl I know. I SO want to take a peek into her closet and I'm sure after reading this, you will too!!

(Click on the pics to get a larger view)


Anonymous said...

She is beautiful and definitely very stylish. I love fashion too but hate the affect that has on people around me, when you dress so impeccably fashionable I wonder what kind of people you are attracting... Unfortunately most people cannot afford to look like that and many that can do not have the taste or natural beauty to achieve the end result, making them envious and fake.

Ekatarina looks gorgeous and so does her 3 daughters too. I wish them all the best and hope that their fashionable look does them more good then harm. Many are never that lucky.

Kiran Chhabria said...

I think that's a tad bit harsh! I know plenty of fashionable people who are wonderful human beings as well. Having said that, I do agree that there is a fine line between beauty and vanity. But my friend here had her head screwed on right even 15 years back.. so that's a moot point right there :)

Anonymous said...

Kiran thank you for your sweet words. I am very honored that you think so highly of me and i hope you know that i feel the same way about you. Really hope we will finally have a chance to see each other after so many years and of course you are always welcomed here in Moscow anytime you will have time to visit.
P.S would also like to thank the anonymous who wrote the previous comment for his/her words and wishes. All the best.

Confashion said...

Absolutely Gorgeous :) Loved the post!

Kiran Chhabria said...

Confashion, such a compliment coming from you guys :)

Kiran Chhabria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Dear Kiran, I think you misunderstood me, I am not in any way saying that Ekatarina is vain. I think there is nothing wrong with her fashion sense and what I said says nothing about her besides that she is absolutely gorgeous and in vogue.

I just find it could be attracting fake friends just because of the effect it has on people. I am not saying that she has fake friends either, I dont know her or her friends... But it should be clear that people generally judge others by the way they look and some times they will even like someone because of the way they are dressed. Fashion is a way of communicate with people, unfortunately people will overlook the beauty of it and simply jump into looking at their own interests.

That said, I really enjoy your articles and specially this one. Hope to see more of it. All the best

Kiran Chhabria said...


Thanks! said...

Eka is my bestest friend in the whole world - of course she is stylish, i taught her everything she knows! (i'm the one next to her in the photo with the balloons...) No, seriously, she has the most incredible sense on style and glamour (that girls like me who can't resist denim and ballet pumps aspire to), and the BEST personality - LOVE this blog!


Kiran Chhabria said...

Hi Katia,
Thanks for posting! I know what you mean about aspiring to have that kind of style.. how ever does she do it?? :)


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