Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Sad, shocking... UPDATE

A couple of weeks back I'd posted a story about a local blog, where a contributor had posted his "views" about the Air India Mangalore plane crash victims. All of the readers were as horrified and upset about the post as I was, and quite a few sent me feedback either on the website, on Facebook or to my email.

One reader in particular was kind enough to keep sending me updates in the comments section of the website, and was the first to inform me that the contributor had issued an apology, right before Etisalat (and probably Google) had taken down his post. I was interested in reading what the contributor had to say by way of explanation of his disgusting comments, and yesterday, the Anonymous poster (or maybe a different one?) found it and put it on the comments section. As most would probably be interested in reading the same, I'm posting it over here for you guys too- (Read about the original post here)

"RIP Plane Victims

Wow. Let me 1st say that we were having a slow few weeks and thought a bit of "fun" would bring in some readership.

It did. Sadly 95% of them didnt "get" it. the remaining 5% didnt agree with it but were laughing at it.

People, the innerwebs is a form of entertainment, like the movies, or a TV show. Every now and then, imbedded in that entertainment is a bit of truth. But that little bit of truth does not mean that the entertainment factor, the main factor of the issue should be taken for granted and all of a sudden the movie has turned into a fact filled documentary.

If anything allowing our contributers free reign to post whatever and however they wish is not something the UAE is ready for. We hear often that oh, this part of the world needs more opinions, debate, views, and openness.

No, what the sheer power of the readers/comments proved to us is that people, including those residing and those from the UAE, want those things as long as they are the same as everyone else'

At 300 comment I, as an admin, didnt have time to go through them all, so I decided to do what I never thought I would. I censored one of my contributors.

I am writing this to apologize for this blog as a whole for any hurt the post this one replaces may have caused. I have given it the same URL so that links on the innerwebs will link directly here.

I am also appalled at the comments we had received. For people who supposedly care, and are not hatful or racist, most comments were in fact just that. So to those happy that I took the post down, know that it was done because you stooped down to the same level that you supposedly were condemning.

We didnt know we were this important. With 35 followings, we expected 35 comments or less. Not so many that we couldnt even read them all. What we read was enough.

The UAE isnt ready for opinions. Not real ones. We will continue to give watered down ones then.

Happy blogging and happy reading. Sadly, even our blogs now are as good as our newspapers. And that;s because of us all.

Please check out this post by yet another member of ours on the same subject, posted on the same day. Sadly, this one only got a total of 8 comments. Says alot about all those supposedly caring people."

Some "apology"!!!! I wonder how he would react to deaths in his family being the center of someone's  "entertainment"! 

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