Sunday, September 26, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 viral video

There are scary trailers that I've seen that are frightening enough for me to know that I won't even be attempting to go watch the movie. Then there is the way in which Paranormal Activity 2 is promoting it's film that is both terrifying and brilliant and makes me wonder what the movie will be like.
Various entertainment blogs over the past week have received a package on their doorstep (some at home, some in a hotel, and some having it brought to them in public places) without any postage on it and with no info on it apart from a return address. The package contains a tiny USB device that has a short few second clip on it which I'm guessing contain clues about what goes on in the movie. What's even more interesting, is that each USB device sent out, contains different clips, ie: different clues.
What an absolutely brilliant way of getting some viral marketing out, making even people who have no intentions of watching the film (ie: ME!) sit up and take notice!
Watch a trailer of the movie above.. it's scary enough to tide you over till the movie comes out.

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