Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Apple press conference on Friday

A friend of mine messaged me earlier today and said that Sky News announced that the iPhone 4 was being recalled? "Hogwash!" I thought, and told him as much. Almost an hour later I heard that Apple had indeed called for a press conference on Friday for matters relating to the iPhone 4. While some are wondering whether it is to do with a price drop, I really think they will be addressing issues that people are having with their devices. The buzz on the internet is that a lot of people (myself included) are bringing back in their faulty devices in exchange for new ones that work much better. Are we seeing the case of a recall happening on the sly? Is Apple going to announce a full recall? Is Steve Jobs going to admit that he really isn't Midas in disguise? We'll only know Friday. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

bigbaby said...

I cant imagine Mr. Jobs actually admitting the product is faulty. I think it will be more along the lines of "the phone is fine, here look, its got better signal than any other phone out there, but if you're not happy, here's 30 dollars credit, go buy a bumper!"


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