Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Room with a view

As much as I thought I'd be regular with my blog, that hasn't really happened, has it? In the morning, I'm itching to start my day and in the evening, I return home tired and usually don't have the energy to get on the computer. I have a friend staying with me too, so whatever idle time I would have passed finding and posting new information, is now instead going in chatting and gossiping. I do have a whole backlog of stuff to post on, so don't worry.. there's lots of stuff coming your way!

I am usually not a morning person (AT ALL!) but there's something about waking up to a view like that that puts a smile on my face. Maybe I'd take it for granted if I lived here, but for now I'm filled with a sense of wonder each time I go out into my living room. My lovely Sony lets me take panoramic pictures, so it's very helpful in capturing it at least part of it-
Click on the picture to enlarge it.

I'm going to try to capture the same scene at night- it looks absolutely stunning! The city is so beautiful all lit up.

Yesterday there was a movie being shot in the restaurant in my building, Le Cirque. Apparently it was a remake of the movie, "Arthur" starring Russell Brand and Jennifer Garner. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see them, but it did give me an idea of take a few pictures of the entrance to my building-
I wanted to take my SLR downstairs and take some proper shots of the building, but I don't have a lens that's wide enough, so here are a few of my favourites that I found while googling the building-
It boasts residents such as Beyonce, Flavio Briatore, Jack Welsch and many others.. Most of what you see in the picture are the Bloomberg offices, the apartments only start above the 30th floor and I believe have a 101 units only. Barring one, I think this is the best building in New York :)


Salesh said...

Great shots I must say...and congrats...

Just feeling a tinge of envy here...don't take it the wrong way... but someday I might get there too, no scratch that someday I will get there too...take care!!!

Kiran Chhabria said...

Inshallah :)


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