Friday, July 09, 2010

New Louis Vuitton Store at Sloane Street

The new LV store on Sloane Street in London is absolutely gorgeous! Not only is it massive, but the store window has to be one of the most incredible windows I've seen in a very, very long time. I've been incommunicado for a few days now, as I just didn't have access to internet and was flying from London to New York. However, I wanted to post some more stuff about London before I started up with my New York themed posts- definitely check back in tomorrow as I have something gorgeous in store for you guys! In the meantime, take a look at the pics of the store window-
                           Pay attention to the Stephen Sprouse'd up mannequins! So cool
 This window was my absolute favourite! They had "animals" made out of LV items, and each one was a piece of art. Sorry about the reflection in the window (the street and mine!) but I've tried taking close up shots of my favourite animals to show you what they'd done-
The mannequins in the store were STUNNING... they were lined up upstairs wearing their hottest pieces from over the years, and carrying some of their best limited edition handbags. If you're ever in London and love LV, make your way upstairs to the clothes section just to see that.

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