Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saturday night at Bagatelle

If you're in the city and want a super FUN restaurant to have dinner at, look no further than Bagatelle in the Meat Packing district. I've gone here for drinks a couple of times in the past, but made it for dinner with friends last Saturday, and I can honestly say i've never been to a place quite like this outside of St Tropez. The music was so loud that after the first few failed attempts of us trying to make conversation, we just sat back and learnt to enjoy it. It's not like the loud loungy music at most restaurants in Dubai- this is full on Jay-Z mixed in with some old school classics that are being played by the DJ- in short, music you'd want to dance to in a club. And it's a good thing too, as it distracts from the food which isn't bad... but nothing to write home about. But your calories will be made up in the alcohol you'll consume when people get up on the chairs and start dancing. If you're really brave, make your way downstairs to RDV or Kiss & Fly for a bit more hardcore partying. Trust me, you'll have a really good time!
And this is what it looks like during the day, just in case you're curious. Make it there for a Sunday brunch if you want the madness of Saturday night to continue the next day!-
                                                     (Photo courtesy of Black Book)


Unknown said...

great place!!

Jeffco Grad said...

Great Review! Looking forward to dining and dancing there when we're in NYC!


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