Thursday, November 04, 2010

My YSL limited edition Muse Two

Ok I guess since I'm on the subject of shopping I might as well add another little post in about another handbag of mine. I had taken a picture of it in New York a few months back, and had kept meaning to post on it, but I think I got lazy.. then forgot.. then just thought I'd forget it, but now since I'm writing about my purchases, I might as well put it out there.
A couple of months back I was in London on my way to New York (I have a whole bunch of posts in the archives if you want to read about my trip) and my sister happened to be in town at the same time. She kept insisting she had to go to YSL to "pick up a bag" and was trying to get there as fast as possible. Now if you've been reading my blog long enough, you'll know my sister has a wardrobe to DIE for. She's the type who heads to Paris and Milan every season to keep her wardrobe up to date and literally knows every fashion magazine, blog and Editor inside and out. To give you an example, I pride myself on having my first Birkin waaaaaay before the store in Dubai opened and people in the UAE caught on the trend. My sister had a few before Samantha's reference in Sex & the City even kick started the craze in the Western world. Long story short, handbags really don't excite her, and I couldn't understand when she said she wanted to head to the store that badly, till she mentioned what bag it was- The Limited Edition military Muse Two. The image of the bag from Garance Dore's blog flashed before my eyes and I was in a rush to get to the store myself, hoping "let them please have two!" If you read the post from Garance's blog, she talks about how the bag is only made for Fashion Editors, but I guess YSL decided to make a few extra and send out a couple of pieces to their flagship stores world over.
Anyhow, we reached the store in time, my sister bought the one shown in Garance's blog, and I bought another one which was a slight variation from that (shown below), but still carry the two little words that stupidly enough, make me part with my cash time and time again- Limited Edition.

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