Saturday, April 10, 2010

iPhone OS4 update and what it means...

And on Monday, they were obviously back to work preparing for the iPhone OS4 launch on Thursday morning (Evening for us here in Dubai). So what exactly did they launch that is causing so much joy to Developers are users alike? In a word- MULTITASKING! Agreed that was only one of the many changes Jobs announced to the phone, but in my view, it was the most significant. With multitasking, users will now be able to have other apps running in the background without having to constantly "restart" the app all over again. If you've ever gotten a call while reaching your highest score in a game on your phone, you'll understand, and appreciate, exactly what i'm talking about. A cool feature that was highlighted in Jobs keynote address, was Skype being able to run in the background to allow a person to receive calls without even having to keep the app "open"- just silently running in the background. In essence what this means is that Skype on the iPhone has actually become more powerful than even Skype on your desktop.
Other changes that was made were the ability to (finally) customize your background wallpaper as well as create folders to sort out your many apps in. Good stuff.

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