Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Mystery of "The Loiterer" Continues- Part 2

So now friends let me rewind
To the night Loiterer blew my mind
Coz the sea of hookers parted
And that's how it all started
And long-lost Loiterer I did find!

So the news with Nadia I had to share
She had christened him and would care
"Loiterer!" I texted, "At Cavalli in Dubai!
Sending a friend over to say 'Hi!'
So happy he's still there!"

And friends, as you already know
I sent someone over to say 'Hello'
Who found his name and occupation
And returned to give me a summation
Which just made my curiosity grow!

"Architect???!! Is that what he said??
Doesn't make sense!!" I scratched my head
The rest of the night passing in a haze
Vodka and Confusion contributing to the daze
Later that night, I crawled into bed.

Nadia called me a few hours later
Urgency to find out much greater
than mine, Who energy-depleted
Remembered, and feebly repeated
The Occupation of The Loiterator

For a moment, thoughtful, Nadia dwelled
"I've got it!" then she practically yelled!
"The weird clothes! The stocky build
Wow this Loiteror is pretty Skilled!
He's really George from Seinfeld!"

"Eh?" I said rubbing my eyes
My friends head was clearly compromised!
"When unemployed, wanting to impress"
she explained, "Before his situation can be guessed
ARCHITECT is what George lies!"

So with the mystery solved (Hooray!)
Well... sort of anyway!
We're leaving it all up to you
to find The Loiterer (with picture too!)
Posing as Dubai's very own Art Vandalay!

 To find "Part 1" Click here
I also found that "The Loiterer" seems to live in my friend's building, Oasis Towers on Sh Zayed Road. We found this out only after she read my post and commented on it! The descriptions match.
Another commenter who was unsure if they had spotted him, asked if he dresses like a magician (he does!) Hence the choice of pic. 
Oh and "Art Vandalay" is George's fake Architect name. The Loiterer's name also begins with an A. Hmmm....


Unknown said...

brilliantly written!!! u really need to write a book!!!!

Unknown said...

Normally I don't have time (specifically - dont want to) to read all that's written but the rhyming poetic-style was quite good.


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