Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"Life attracts Life"- The Alchemist

"Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure. You have to find the treasure, so that everything you have learned along the way can make sense."
Ever feel like you are in direct communication with the Universe? I love love LOVE Paulo Coelho, and the above quote is actually my all time favourite EVER. Like the quote in the title, it is also taken from 'The Alchemist' by Coelho. I picked up his latest book, "Inspirations" (a selection of others' works) from Borders the other day, and have been reading it over the past 2 days. I wanted to get a bit more into it before I could write a review on it and so I read a bit before bed last night, and intended to carry it with me to the salon this morning. The parlour close to my house has shut down for renovations, so I decided to try one out five minutes away. I went in and as I was tilting my head back to get my hair washed in the basin, a girl standing next to me, chatting with her friend seated beside me, immediately spotted at my book and asked to have a look at it. From the way her eyes lit up on seeing it, I gauged she must, like me, love Coelho and his work. We exchanged a few words on where I got the book from and I wanted to advise her to pick up his biography (I mention it here) so I asked her, "Are you a fan of his?" She simply replied, "No, I'm his agent." I cannot explain how shocked and excited I was on hearing that! Talk about being at the right place at the right time! She was a sweetheart and promised to make me meet him the next time he is in town. I can't wait!! Readers, watch this space!

Back to "Inspirations,"it is actually a lovely book that has excerpts from other classics, and makes for a very interesting read. Some of the classics I haven't read before and know I'm going to want to pick up after this book, "Tales from the Thousand and One nights" being one of them. There is an excerpt from the Rig Veda, Lady Chatterly's Lover, Frankenstein and a poem by Rabindranath Tagore in there. Hardly a collection of works you'd ever even think to find bound together! Makes for very interesting reading.

Available at Borders in Oasis Center

PS: While meeting Paulo Coelho would be great and all, it's been my life long DREAM to meet Vikram Seth, authour of "A Suitable Boy." If anyone knows him, or knows someone who knows him or knows the lady who is the aunt of his niece's dog-walker, PLEASE hook it up!


SupremeLuxe said...

I'm a huge fan of Coelho and besides The Alchemist, I really love The Zahir!

You have great taste as I've enjoyed Lady Chatterly's Lover and Thousand and One nights too.

Happy Reading!

P.S. Hope you meet him someday!

Unknown said...

What's the exact meaning of ' life attracts life' ?


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